Speculation, and The Blessed Life. 

“Conjectural consideration of a matter; conjecture or surmise: a report based on speculation rather than facts.”  

A dictionary definition of speculation. Everyone of us can speculate, and we all do, but most of what is presented to us in the MSM is speculation. Before the EU referendum most of what was pushed out to the electorate was speculation, and most of what is being talked about is again, speculation. The talking heads on the television have to keep their jobs so look for ‘pundits’ and ‘experts’ to answer questions and appear sensible in front of the camera. The newspaper editors have to fill pages with print and their experts and columnists have a field day earning their salaries, and not a lot of it is factual. 

Why is this important. Well to remain balanced and at ease, speculation must be ignored. Our minds enjoy being involved in speculation, the mind interprets the data and judges. Next the emotions are in play again and we can be lead away so easily from our objective of a blessed life. If it is our desire to discipline our minds we need to be objective with regard to the information we receive. I have stopped watching newscasts, political programmes and I never watched early morning ‘magazine’ type shows. But I enjoy social media, and a couple of newspapers which gives me more opportunity to glean facts and figures rather than speculation.  I admit I am learning and still find it difficult, but I have determined that the blessed life is possible. To observe without interpretation is indeed difficult and takes application, but I encourage us to perciviere. Not to take things on face value is a good maxim in these exciting days. 

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